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Frog Story
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This is the Frog Story, created by us based on the wordless picture book 'Frog, Where Are You?' by Mercer Mayer (1969).
For the story, we have annotated the part of speech for every word in each sentence.
In addition, a e-book was created featuring an audio recording the story, which was recorded by us.
Parts of speech tell us how a word is going to function in the sentence.
In English, parts of speech include N, V, Adj, Adv, D, P, C, T, Neg, and Conj.
The following list of abbreviations appear for parts of speech in the work.
N: Noun
PN: Person Name
Pron: Pronoun
V: Verb
Adj: Adjective
Adv: Adverb
Prep: Preposition
Det: Determinant
Det(PossPro): Possessive Pronoun
Det(Art): Article
Conj: Conjunction
Comp: Comparative
Aux:Auxiliary Verb
Q: Question
Neg: Negative
T(Infinitive Marker): Tense
Onom(a figure of sound): 擬聲詞Onomatopoeia
Exclamation(a figure of sound)
Inter: Interjection
C: Complementizer
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